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Hightouch Recognized as a Cool Vendor in 2022 Gartner® Cool Vendors™ in Marketing Data & Analytics

Reverse ETL is disrupting and simplifying how enterprises take action on data.

Kashish Gupta.

Kashish Gupta

November 3, 2022

7 minutes

Hightouch recognized as Gartner Cool Vendor in Marketing Data and Analytics.

Big news!: Hightouch was just recognized as a Cool Vendor in 2022 Gartner Cool Vendors in Marketing Data & Analytics 🙌

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Being only in our second-year of enterprise go-to-market (🤯), we feel so amazed and humbled to receive this recognition from an industry powerhouse like Gartner. We feel this early and outsized recognition is testament to the seismic shift that Reverse ETL and Data Activation are having on the modern data stack, and it’s all because of our innovative customers who are pushing the limits on how data is used in their organizations.

In our view, this recognition is further validation for the momentum we’ve seen among our enterprise customers. Cloud data warehouses are rapidly modernizing enterprise data architectures and strategies. In turn, data teams are leveraging Reverse ETL to get more mileage out of their modern data stack investments to help business teams take action in a streamlined and automated way.

Don’t just take my word for it—here are a few of the recent enterprise customers using Hightouch for Data Activation: GameStop, the NBA, SoundCloud, Spotify, Warner Music Group, and others from the Fortune 500. And the momentum is only accelerating. ❤️

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Recent Hightouch Enterprise Wins

Cool Vendor in Marketing Data and Analytics

To be defined as a Cool Vendor by Gartner, a company must be considered innovative or transformative for products, services, or initiatives. The criteria by which a vendor is defined as “cool” are:

  • Innovative: the vendor has developed technologies/products that enable users to do things they couldn’t do before
  • Impactful: the vendor offers technologies/products that have or will have business impact; it’s not just “technology for the sake of technology”
  • Intriguing: the vendor has caught Gartner’s interest/curiosity during the past 12 months

Disrupting the Multi-Billion Dollar CDP Industry

According to Gartner’s 2021 Digital Marketing Survey, 63% of respondents agreed that “leveraging integrated customer data to drive digital marketing execution presented a moderate or significant challenge.1 This is despite the fact that customer data platforms (CDPs) are already widely adopted by marketers, which shows that significant gaps remain between managing data and putting it to work operationally.”

Organizations have made significant data warehousing and BI investments, and Hightouch helps unlock the value of those investments across the business. By making modeled customer data easily accessible to marketing, sales, operations, and success teams, business users can get a complete 360 view of the customer in their own natural habitat—whether that be Hubspot, Salesforce, Slack, or Zendesk—to personalize customer outreach, streamline workflows, and drive revenue.

The best part: by leveraging the data warehouse and Hightouch, teams can start realizing this value in minutes (not months required by a typical CDP implementation). According to Gartner, “marketing technology leaders report using 2.9 vendors for CDPs on average — those wary of overinvestment in CDPs, or wary of the feature overlap this results in, may also find Reverse ETL as a potential avenue to reduce costs and increase technology utilization”.2

The Warehouse as the Source of Truth

At Hightouch, we’ve been pretty vocal (understatement? 😆) about where we think the CDP market is going, and the fact that many organizations are bogged down by CDPs that have taken far-too-long to stand up (and have yet to realize meaningful value from). Many are now catching on to the fact that the warehouse already houses relevant customer data, and through the power of Reverse ETL along with a no-code audience builder, Hightouch helps technical and non-technical teams alike turn that data into immediate value across the business.

Thank You

We are indebted to our customers, partners, and the broader data community for embracing Data Activation and trusting Hightouch as the last mile of your modern data stack. We hope our status as Cool Vendor validates the work you do to help teams take action on data and we’re excited for the journey ahead. If you’re a Gartner customer, you can read the full report here.

More on the blog

  • What is Reverse ETL? The Definitive Guide .

    What is Reverse ETL? The Definitive Guide

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  • Friends Don’t Let Friends Buy a CDP.

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    How spending the first half of his professional career at Segment drove Tejas Manohar to disrupt the 3.5 billion dollar CDP category.

  • The CDP As We Know It Is Dead: Introducing the Composable CDP.

    The CDP As We Know It Is Dead: Introducing the Composable CDP

    Learn why CDPs are dead and how you can take advantage of the data warehouse.

It takes less than 5 minutes to activate your data. Get started today.

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Recognized as an industry leader
by industry leaders

We are proud to be recognized as a leader in Reverse ETL and Marketing & Analytics by customers, technology partners, and industry analysts.

Gartner, Cool Vendor.
Snowflake, Marketplace Partner of the Year.
G2, Fall Leader 2022.
G2, Best Software 2023.
G2, Winter Leader 2023.
Snowflake, One to Watch for Activation and Measurement.
Fivetran, Ecosystem Partner of the Year.