To enable syncing with Orbit first you need to get an authentication token. Go to your Account Settings (on the menu
under your profile picture) and click API Token:
Then copy the value, and create a new Destination in Hightouch, selecting Orbit as the destination type. Lastly, paste
the API token into the field. Save the destination and it's ready to start syncing data.
When syncing activities, Hightouch treats any records added to your source as new activities and sends them to Orbit when your sync runs.
To ensure syncs send each activity, your event model must use a truly unique primary key. See the events syncs documentation for more information.
Select the Activities object from the drop down menu. Then you can
define a static value for the title and the identity source for all the
activities, or define the column that will contain the information.
Lastly, choose the mappings for the columns in your model.